Can We Expense This?

Business Lunch

We had our first “Business Lunch” today.

We are very excited and filled with ideas about how to make this blog amazing.

I took two pages of notes about things we talked about. It’s like, we used to just have a lunch, be hilarious and leave the restaurant. Now, we have to be hilarious and write down everything we say. It’s more difficult. Maybe we should just purchase one of those little recorder things and just tape ourselves?

Some of the questions my notes pose are, “What is an RSS Feed?” and “How does Twitter work?” And, in red I’ve written “$99 Package @ 99 Followers”…oh boy. The $99 Package is a Premium Package on Word Press that allows for additional templates, fonts, colors and other stuff too. But, we don’t want to put the horse in front of the wagon or hatch all our eggs at once or whatever those sayings are…so, listen…if you’re reading this and smiling, even a half a smile or maybe just an inside yourself smile…or maybe you just feel bad for us, you should go to that blue button on the cover page and click it. The one that says “Click Here to Follow” or something like that.

Chick E literally took our receipt for lunch with her. She’s the Treasurer. We went dutch on the bill, but maybe, at some point, we think maybe, we’ll be able to expense lunches like these….?

Also, heads up…also in my notes I wrote, “Olives are the Worst”…this will be an upcoming article, so get ready America.

Alright, heart you.

-Chick A ❤

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